Well, the Flower Festival has come and gone, and the Stults Family had a good time attending. The boys and I went to walk around Friday afternoon and look at the crafts and vendors. It was such a nice day. We looked at the games and rides in the carnival, but I told Micah that we would wait until the next day when John could go with us. Micah thought that sounded like a good idea. So we played on the playground instead.
Saturday morning we slept in (actually I let John sleep in, since he got up with Caleb during the night). Once we were all ready to go, we went to the park. Micah was so excited to ride all the rides. He has never really shown an interest in wanting to get on the rides, but this time was different. We got him a wristband, which was a much better deal than buying tickets. He and John rode the merry go round first.
Then Micah discovered the 4 wheelers and the motorcycles. His favorite ride by far was the motorcycles. Micah even rode a horse. They were having pony rides, and Micah actually wanted to get on. I was surprised! My boy is growing up fast! We stayed at the park for a couple of hours, and then decide to go home and rest for a while. After Micah woke up from his nap, we went back to the park for more fun. We really had a nice time, even though it was so crowded.